i suppose that the bad days make you appreciate the good ones...
cleaned the carbs, starting installing new jets, needles, screws, o-rings... oh by the way, someone had this carb apart already and didnt put everything back in. oh, and why dont we screw up a few more pieces before we half put it back together. and bonus, the carb kits dont come with THOSE parts... great.
onto the grips.
grips came in, look great, but for some reason they thought they should send me a 7/8'' throttle and a 1'' left grip... i bet i somehow just dont get it. im sure its my fault.
ok lets try taking the sprocket cover off... of course i strip a bolt, why not?
well at least i can install the new chain, well i dont have a new sprocket yet, and for some reason the center stand hits the chain, so thats a bust too.
better luck next time.
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