Thursday, November 1, 2012


I'm not sure what to think about this photo.

We put out candy at 6pm and it disappeared FAST. so I ran to the store to get some more. The shelves were bare but we managed to find a couple things. On the way out I spotted a bunch of bananas. After brief discussion and reflection I decided to get them. Why not give a kid the choice between tiny compressed shapes of artificially colored corn syrup, or an amazing looking, rather large banana. And what could it hurt? Worst case scenario (besides bananas flying through my windows) was that I would eat them myself...

Timing ended up that we had to leave the house with about 45 minutes of official trick or treat time left. Shawna put out a sign and we left the bowl, candy and fruit, on a chair on the porch. What would the state of things look like when we got back?

Well this is what we found.

Much to our surprise (even though I was overly optimistic) 3/4 bananas had been claimed. I can only assume by children.

So, is this good or bad?

Here are the two possible explanations.

1 some kids actually can make good decisions and three of the kids poses brains that might take them somewhere and have a chance to become decent people. There IS hope for this world...

But maybe

2 all the candy was gone and although they didn't actually want a banana, something in their greedy little souls told them they HAD to take SOMETHING. and even if I had put a lit campfire in that bowl, three kids would have burnt fingers right now. And somehow that would be my fault.

I'm not sure that there is any way to know, unless we try the campfire experiment next year...

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